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lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Twisty Curvy Curtain Panel Fun

Twisty Curvy Curtain Panel Fun: "
I am sure that many of us are familiar with the Phil Read Twisting Tower (PRTT) idea. Simple mass family, top surface rotates according to an angle determined by the level/elevation of the piece...looks a bit like this:
I remember the first time i saw it, my opinion of Revit changed dramatically for the better. When i learned how to build it myself, my opinion became even more positive! (Links to tutorials here)

Good feelings aside, the dynamic form is so very sexy but i always felt limited by its inherently vertical nature. I understand the relationship to constructability and all that, but i really wanted to push the form to the next level. Curtain Panel Patterns give me the power.

First, i built a simple mass unit using the same principles as the PRTT, but i used the Curtain Panel By Pattern: RECTANGULAR SURFACE template, building the top and bottom rectangles on the edges of the panel.

Now i can apply these masses as a pattern on a surface. I created a 4 point curve, attaching parameters to control the curvature, and then extruded a simple surface, dividing it appropriately:
Then i applied the Rectangular Surface Pattern i had made:

After going through and numbering each individual panel to activate the 'twistyness', I was VERY pleased with the results. Some of the engineers around me in the office looked at this and shuddered...but i don't care, I am in it for the monkey business! Maybe i should change my name to CURTAIN PANEL BY PATTERN-TROUBLEMAKER!
With much respect, admiration and thanks to those who have come before me in this work, here is a link to Phil Read's presentation from AU2006 for the basic PRTT technique:
Advanced Autodesk Revit Building Techniques - Phil Read - BD41-3_AU2006.zip

And this link goes to the model of my Curtain Panel by Pattern monkey business:
twisty 3.rfa


martes, 6 de abril de 2010

SketchBook Pro para iPad

Fuente: www.mackinando.com
SketchBook Pro para iPad: "
Cuando ví el anuncio de SketchBook Pro para iPad me quedé alucinado, y como quiero que sintáis lo mismo os pongo este video en el que usan además el famoso Pogo stylus

Realmente impresionante, me ha encantado! Cuando tenga el iPad seguro que compro esta aplicación y el pogo stylus.
